খুব গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ইংরেজি Literary Terms & Figure of Speech : চাকরির প্রস্তুতি
The most important Literacy Terms of English Literature
★The repetition of an initial consonant sound. The repetition can be put side by side. (একই ধ্বনি বা ধ্বনিগুচ্ছের পুনঃপুনঃ বিন্যাসকে alliteration বলে। অনুপ্রাস সাধারণত শব্দের প্রথমে, মাঝে ও শেষে থাকে।)
~Sleepy sun sank slowly over the sea.
~ Alone, alone, all, all alone
Alone on a wide, wide sea.
~But a better butter makes a batter better.
★A story or picture with two or more different meanings- a literal meaning and one or more symbolic meanings. (Allegory অর্থ হচ্ছে অন্য কিছু বুঝানো; যেখানে লেখক তার কোনো বিশেষ ভাব/তত্ত্বকে সরাসরি প্রকাশ না করে অন্যকোনো ঘটনা/চিত্র আড়ালে রেখে সমান্তরাল ভাবে ব্যঞ্জিত করে থাকেন।)
~ William Shakespeare এর ‘The Tempest ‘ নাটকে allegory’র অংশবিশেষ দেখা যায়।
The Tempest- a fight between good and evil on a deserted island.
~ George Orwell- Animal Farm: The pigs stand for political figures from of the Russian Revolution.
এছাড়াও Edmund Spenser এর ‘The Faerie Queen ‘, John Bunyan এর ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress ‘, Nathaniel Hawthorne এর ‘The Scarlet Letter ‘ allegory রচনার জন্য অন্যতম।
★Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literacy or political significance. In short- a reference within a work to something famous outside it. (বিষয়ভেদে একই বস্তুর বিভিন্ন দৃষ্টিকোণের দর্শনে যে সৌন্দর্য সৃষ্টি হয় তাকে allusion বলে।)
~ “Don’t act like a Romeo in front of her.”- ‘Romeo’ is a reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo, a passionate lover of Juliet, in ‘ Romeo and Juliet’.
~ ” This rise in poverty will unlock the Pandora’s box of crimes.”- This is an allusion to one of Greek Mythology’s origin myth, ”Pandora’s box”.
~ “This place is like a Garden of Eden.”- This is a Biblical allusion to the ‘ garden of God’ in the Book of Genesis.
★The repetition of the same word/phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. Writers often repeat specially chosen words or phrases to emphasize a point/stress certain ideas for the reader.( একটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ বাক্যের শুরুতে একই শব্দের পুনরাবৃত্তিকে অ্যানফোরা বলে। লেখকরা প্রায়শই বিশেষ কিছু শব্দগুলোকে পাঠকের সুবিধার্থে বা নজরে আনার জন্য পুনঃ পুনঃ জোর দেয় যা অ্যানফোরা নামে পরিচিত।)
~ Every day, every night, in every way, I am getting better and better.
~My life is my purpose. My life is my goal. My life is my inspiration.
~I want my money right now, right here, all right?
★The combination of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases. Antithesis, literal meaning opposite, is a rhetorical device in which two opposite ideas are put together in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect. In short, antithesis is used to show the rhetorical contrast of opposing ideas and meanings through parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences. (একটি পূর্ণ বাক্যে বিপরীতমুখী ধারণার সমন্বয়।)
~Man proposes, God disposes.
~ Love is an ideal thing, marriage is a real thing.
~Speech is silver, but silence is gold.
~Patience is bitter, but it has a sweet fruit.
~Money is the root of all evils, poverty is the fruit of all goodness.
~You are easy on the eyes, but hard on the heart.
~To err is human ; to forgive divine. (‘An Essay on Criticism ‘ by Alexander Pope)
~It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. (‘A Tale of Two Cities ‘ by Charles Dickens)
~It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness. (‘A Tale of Two Cities ‘ by Charles Dickens)
~It was the Spring of hope, it was the Winter of despair. (‘A Tale of Two Cities ‘ by Charles Dickens)
~Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven. ( ‘Paradise Lost’ by John Milton)
★Apostrophe is a literary technique in which an abstract or inanimate object is addressed or spoken to as if it were absent. It is a figure of speech where in the speaker speaks directly to something non-human. In short, breaking off discourse to address a nonexistent character. (বক্তৃতা বিরতির উদ্দেশ্যে অস্তিত্বহীন সত্তা আবিষ্কার করা।)
~Oh! Lift me as wave, a leaf, a cloud! (P.B. Shelley)
~ Twinkle, twinkle, little star…( Jane Taylor)
~ Blow winds, blow!
~ Little Lamb, who made thee?
~ Oh! nature, thou art my goddess.
★An Aside is a dramatic device in which a character speaks to the audience. By Convention the audience is to realize that the character’s speech is unheard by the other character on stage. It may be addressed to the audience expressly or represent an unspoken thought. An Aside is usually a brief comment, rather than a speech, such as a monologue or soliloquy. Actually, this denotes a brief comment made on stage to the audience, so that the other characters cannot hear. In short, when an actor on stage turns to and whispers to the audience in secret & the other characters do not ‘hear’ the Aside. ( যখন একজন অভিনয় শিল্পী মঞ্চে শ্রোতাদের দিকে দাঁড়িয়ে/একজনের সাথে গোপনে ফিসফিস করে এবং অন্যরা তা শুনতে পান না তখন তাকে Aside/ স্বগত বলে।)
~ Time, thou anticipatest my dread exploits. ( in ‘ Macbeth ‘ by William Shakespeare)
~ A little more than kin, and less than kind.( in ‘ Hamlet’ by William Shakespeare)
★A Soliloquy is a device often used in drama when a character speaks to himself or herself, relating thoughts and feelings. It is a long speech expressing the thoughts of a character alone on stage. In short, a Soliloquy is presented by a single character to himself/herself as an expression of his/her inner thoughts to himself/herself. (স্বগতোক্তিতে একজন বক্তা/একটি চরিত্রের তার নিজস্ব চিন্তাভাবনা প্রদর্শিত হয়।)
~To be, or not to be that is the question. (Hamlet)
★A Blank Verse is a poem with no rhyme but does have iambic pentameter. This means it consists of lines of five feet…In short, unrhymed poetry written in iambic pentameter [each line has five pairs of syllables]. (অমিত্রাক্ষর কাব্য বলতে মূলত পাঁচমাত্রার কাব্যকে বুঝায়।)
~But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!
(Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare)
~Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?( The Chief poetic from Shakespeare used was blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter)
~Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
(Mending Wall by Robert Frost)
★A ballad is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. It is a song transmitted orally which tells a story. Ballads are narrative species of folk songs. The popular ballad is dramatic, condensed & impersonal. (গীতি কবিতার আদি রূপ হিসেবে বিচার করা হয় গাথা বা Ballad কে। ইতালীয় শব্দ Ballare থেকে Ballad শব্দের উৎপত্তি। Ballare অর্থ নৃত্য করা। অর্থাৎ কবিতার সঙ্গে নৃত্য ও নাটকীয়তার মিশ্রণে গাথার সৃষ্টি। প্রেম, ধর্ম, বীরত্ব, গ্রামীণ জীবনের প্রসঙ্গ প্রভৃতি পরিলক্ষিত হয়। এতে ব্যক্তি কিংবা সামষ্টিক জীবনের বেদনা করুণ কাহিনির প্রাধান্য থাকে।)
ইংরেজি সাহিত্যে Wiliam Wordsworth, Thomas Hardy, S.T. Coleridge, John Keats প্রমুখ কবি এ জাতীয় প্রচুর কবিতা লিখেছেন।
~ John Keats ‘s “La Belle Dame sans Merci”
~ Thomas Hardy’s “During Wind and Rain”
~ Edgar Allan Poe’s ” Annabel Lee” etc.
★Two lines with rhyming ends. In short, a rhymed pair of lines. William Shakespeare often used a couplet to end a sonnet.
~ Shakespeare এর সুবিখ্যাত ‘Sonnet 18’ এর শেষ দুই লাইন দেখুনঃ
” So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this and this gives life to thee.”
~”Saints do not move, though grant for prayers sake
Then move not while my prayer’s effect I take.”- Couplet of William Shakespeare
~ I was angry with my foe
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
~Chocolate candy is sweet and yummy
It goes down smoothly in my tummy!
~Make that chill good and hot
Cook it in a Texas pot.
★ A poem of serious refection, typically a lament for the dead. Elegy is a form of poetry natural to the reflective mind. As the poet will feel regret for the past or desire for the future, so sorrow and love became the principal themes of the elegy. Elegy presents every thing as lost and gone or absent and future. Elegy is a poem written in response to the death of a person. The speaker expresses grief and sorrow, then praise and admiration of the dead, and finally consolation and solace. ( elegy শব্দের মূল গ্রিক শব্দ elegeia এর অর্থ lament, বেদনার আর্তি। সময়ের বিবর্তনে elegy বলতে এখন কেবল শোক কবিতাকেই বুঝায়।)
~ A famous example of elegy is Thomas Gray’s ”Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ”
~ Greek poet Bion’s ”Lament for Adonis’.
~ John Milton’s ” Lycidus”
~ P.B. Shelley’s ‘ Adonis ‘
~ W.H. Auden’s ” In Memory of W.B. Yeats” etc.
~ If I cried out
Who would hear me up there?
Among the angelic orders
And suppose one suddenly
Took me to his heart
I would shrivel.
#Euphemism ( শ্রুতিকটু পদের পরিবর্তে কোমলতর পদের প্রয়োগ) :
★ The substitution of an inoffensive expression for one considered offensively explicit. A mild word/expression for one too harash when referring to something unpleasant.
~ Our teacher is in the family way (pregnant).
~ He is always tired and emotional (drunk).
~ We do not hire mentally challenged (stupid) people.
~ He is a special child (disabled).
~ I succeed in finding out what does not work ( I do not fail).
~ John Donne in his poem ‘ the Flea’ employs euphemism.
~ William Shakespeare’s ‘Othello ‘ Iago tells Brabantio : ” I am one, Sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. ” Here, the expression ‘ making the beast with two backs ‘ refers to the ‘act of having sex’.
~ George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ – ” For the time being” he explains, ” It had been found necessary to make a readjustment of rations.” Here substituting the word ‘reduction ‘ with ‘readjustment ‘.
★ An extravagant statement ; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect. A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make a point. It is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real situation. It is like the opposite of ‘understatement ‘. Hyperboles are comparisons, like similes and metaphors, but are extravagant and even ridiculous.
~ I’ve told you a million times.
~ I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
~ This car goes faster than the speed of light.
~ They ran like greased lightning.
~ He’s got ton’s of money.
~ He is older than the hills.
~ He is as skinny as a toothpick.
~ I have a million things to do.
~ I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!
~ She cried so long that she made a lake.
~ William Shakespeare noted in ‘ Hamlet’ –
” I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers
Couldn’t with all their quantity of love
Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?”
#Irony ( বিদ্রুপ/ব্যাজস্তুতি):
★The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. Differences in appearance and reality, or expectations and results, or meanings and intentions. ( নিন্দাচ্ছলে প্রশংসা এবং প্রশংসাচ্ছলে নিন্দা হলে ‘ Irony’ অলংকার হয়।)
~ The butter is as soft as a marble piece.
~ The name of Britain’s biggest dog was ‘ Tiny’.
~ Brutus is an honourable man.
~ William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’:
“Go ask his name: if he be married
My grave is like to be my wedding bed.”
~ In the Greek drama ‘ King Lear’ written by Shakespeare:
” King Lear banished his youngest daughter Cordelia from his Kingdom ; but in the end, she became her only shelter. “
~ In poem of S.T. Coleridge ‘ The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ wrote:
“Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink ;
Water,water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.
#Litotes (অর্থালঙ্কার বিশেষ /এক জাতীয় অর্থালঙ্কার যাতে নঞর্থক শব্দের সাহায্যে তার বিপরীত সদর্থক ভাবটিকেই জোরালোভাবে প্রকাশ করা হয়)
★ A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite.
~ They do not seem the happiest couple around.
~ The ice cream was not too bad.
~ New York is not an ordinary city.
~ William Shakespeare was not a bad playwright at all.
~ She is not unlike her mother.
~ A million dollars is not a little amount.
~ Your apartment is not unclean.
#Md.Deluar Hossan
Lecturer, Department of Political Science
Demra College, Dhaka-1360
★It is a humorous verse of three long and two short lines rhyming aabba/aabbc.
~ The limerick’s an art form complex
Whose contents run chiefly to sex;
It’s famous for virgins
And masculine urgin’s
And vulgar erotic effects.
★Lyric poetry is a formal type of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings, typically spoken in the person.
~ In ‘Dying ‘ by Emily Dickinson
“I heard a fly buzz when I died;
The stillness round my form
Was like the stillness in the air
Between the heaves of storm.”
★An implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. A metaphor is a word or phrase that is used to make a comparison between two people, things, animals, or places. In short, an implicit comparison between two different things.
~ In “Sonnet XVIII”, the phrase, ” eternal summer”, in the line, “But thy eternal summer shall not fade” is a metaphor that suggests “never-ending youthfulness “.
~ Here is another example:
” All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exists and their entrances,
(Shakespeare: As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII)
The “world ” has been compared to “a stage” to suggest short life on earth. “Entrances ” and “exits” are also metaphors which imply birth and death respectively.
~The “unweeded garden” in the following lines is another famous metaphor which the ethically came corrupted or morally polluted world.
“How weary ,stale, flat and unprofitable
Seem to me all the uses of this world!
Fie on’t! Oh fie, fie, ’tis an unweeded garden,
That grows to seed;”
(Shakespeare: Hamlet,Act I, Scene II)
~” Life’s but a walking shadow” ( Shakespeare: Macbeth)
~ “She’s all states, and all princes, I”
(John Donne: The Sun Rising)
~ “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? “
(P.B. Shelley: Ode to the West Wind)
~The snow is a white blanket.
~The hospital was a refrigerator.
~ The classroom was a zoo.
~ America is a melting pot.
~ Life is a roller coaster.
~ She is a peacock.
~ He is a shining star.
~ The alligator’s teeth are white daggers.
~ Time is money.
~ My teacher is a dragon.
~ She feels that life is a fashion show.
~ The world is a stage.
~ Kisses are the flowers of affection.
~ Jane’s ambitions are a house of cards.
~ Her long hair was a flowing golden river.
~ The computers at school are old dinosaurs.
~ Laughter is the music of the soul.
~ He is a night owl.
~ Maria is a chicken.
~ The wind was an angry witch.
~ Your brain is a computer.
~ Jamal was a pig at dinner.
~ You are my sunshine.
~ You are an angel.
~ The sun is a golden ball.
~ The clouds are balls of cotton.
~ The stars are sparkling diamonds.
~ He is a walking dictionary.
~ Donations for the popular charity were a Tsunami.
~ Necessity is the mother of invention.
~ My big brother is a couch potato.
~ The thunder was a mighty lion.
~ My pulse is a race car.
~ The moon is a white balloon.
~ The stormy ocean was a raging bull.
~ He drowned in a sea of grief.
~ She is fishing in troubled waters.
~ Success is a bastard.
~ Failure i an orphan.
★যে প্রশস্তিমূলক গীতি কবিতায় কোনো সুমহান বিষয়বস্তু/উপাদান আশ্রয় করে কবি বিভিন্ন ধরনের ওজস্বী ছন্দে আত্মগত অনুভূতির ভাবমূর্তি দান করেন, তাকে Ode বলে। ইংরেজি সাহিত্যে থমাস গ্রের The Bard, জন মিল্টনের Ode on the Morning of Christ’s, জন কীটস এর Ode to a Nightingale বিখ্যাত স্তোত্র কবিতা।
★Onomatopoeia is when a word’s pronunciation imitates its sound. Poets use onomatopoeia to access the reader’s auditory sense and create rich soundscapes. In short, the sound must seem an echo to the sense.
~ The sheep went, “Baa.”
~ Silence your cellphone so that it does not “beep” during the movie.
~ Dad released a “belch” from the pit of his stomach.
~ The bridge collapsed creating a tremendous “boom.”
~ The large dog said, “Bow-wow!”
~ My brother can “burp” the alphabet.
~ Both bees and buzzers “buzz.”
~ If you want the red team to win, “clap” your hands right now!
~ The dishes fell to the floor with a “clatter”.
~ If you’re going to ” cough”, please cover your mouth.
~ We roasted marshmallows over the “crackling ” fire.
~ The swamp frogs “croaked” in unison.
~ The flag “flapped” in wind.
~ The wounded soldier “groaned”.
~ As Tom got closer, the dog began ” growling “.
~ If you have the ” hiccups “, you should try drink a glass of water.
~ The snake slithered and ” hissed”.
~ The wolves “howled” at the moon.
~ Someone is “knocking ” on the door.
~ Billy will cry if you “pop” his ballon.
~ My favourite singers have “raspy” voices.
~ Our peaceful dinner ended when the phone began “ringing “.
~ I love the sound of bacon ” sizzling ” on a weekend.
~ “It cracked and growled, and roared and howled.” ( S.T.Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
~ “With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run.” ( John Keats: To Autumn)
★A figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear side by side. In short, an oxymoron is a combination of two contradictory or opposite words.
~ “I can resist anything, except temptation. “- Oscar Wilde
~” I like a smuggler. He is the only honest thief.”- Charles Lamb.
~”And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.”- Alfred Tennyson
~ “Modern dancing is so old fashioned.”- Samuel Goldwyn
~ ” A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. “- Henry Ford
~ ” I am busy doing nothing. “- Oxymorons
~” A little pain never hurt anyone. “- Word Explorations
~” I am a deeply superficial person. “- Andy Warhol
~” A joke is actually an extremely really serious issue. “- Winston Churchill
~” I like humanity, but I loathe persons.”- Edna St. Vincent Millay
~”All changed, changed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.”
(W.B. Yeats: Easter 1916)
~”I find no peace, and all my war is done:
I fear, and hope; I burn, and freeze like ice;”
(Sir Thomas Wyatt: I Find No Peace)
~Oxymorons from everyday life:
Open secret, Tragic comedy, Foolish wisdom, Original copies, Liquid gas, Great depression, Pretty ugly, Cruel to be kind, Clearly confused, Walking dead, Alone together, Run slowly, Dark light, Big baby, Tiny elephant, Wake up dead, True myth, Short wait, Sweet agony etc.
★A statement that appears to contradict itself. At the most basic level, a paradox is a statement that is self contradictory because it often contains two statements that are both true, but in general, cannot both be true at the same time.In short, a self-contradictory statement that hides a rational meaning. (যেখানে দুটি বিষয়ের মধ্যে প্রকৃত বিরোধ নেই কিন্তু আপাত বিরোধ আছে বলে মনে হয়, সেখানে বিরোধাভাস অলঙ্কার/paradox হয়।)
~ Sweets are the uses of adversity.
~There is no one so poor as a wealthy miser.
~ Bitter sweet.
~ A rich man is no richer than a poor man.
~ You shouldn’t go in the water until you know how to swim.
~ Be cruel to be kind.
~ The beginning of the end.
~ I’m nobody.
~ Wise fool
~ “What a pity that youth must be wasted on the young. “- George Bernard Shaw
~ ” I can resist anything but temptation. “- Oscar Wilde
~” Men work together whether they work together or apart.”- Robert Frost
~In George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”, -” All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. “
~ In Shakespeare’s “Hamlet “,- ” I must be cruel to be kind. “
★A figure of speech in which lifeless objects or ideas are given imaginary life. Its abstraction is endowed with human qualities or abilities.
~ Death, thou shalt not die.
~The wind whispered through dry grass.
~ The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.
~ Time and tide waits for none.
~ The fire swallowed the entire forest.
~ The sun played peek-a-boo with the clouds.
~ Lightning danced across the sky.
~ The wind howled in the night.
~ The waves beside them danced.
~ Traffic slowed to a crawl.
~ The stairs groaned as we walked on them.
~ Winter’s icy grip caused people to shudder.
~ My flowers were begging for water.
~ The thunder was grumbling like it was angry.
~The flame of the candle danced in the dark.
~ “When well-appareled April on the heel
Of limping winter treads.”
(Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”)
~”Have you got a brook in your little heart
Where bashful flowers blow,
And blushing birds go down to drink,
And shadows tremble so?”
(Emily Dickinson’s “Have You Got A Brook In Your Little Heart “)
~” I wandered lonely as a cloud” by William Wordsworth
~”Humpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall.”- Nursery Rhyme
★Satire is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule. (আচার-আচরণ, রীতিনীতি সংশোধনের উদ্দেশ্যে তীব্র শ্লেষাত্মক ভাষায় যে রচনা লেখা হয়, তাকে ব্যঙ্গধর্মী রচনা/satire বলে।)
~ Jonathon Swift’s 1726 novel ” Gulliver’s Travels ” is an example of satirical fiction.
#Simile ( উৎপ্রেক্ষা/ সুস্পষ্ট তুলনামূলক অলঙ্কার)
★A stated comparison (usually formed with ‘like’ or ‘as’) between two fundamentally dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common. In short, a simile is an explicit comparison between two different things.
~ “We die
As your hours do, and dry
Like to the summer’s rain;”
(Robert Herrick: To Daffodils)
~”My affection hath an unknown bottom, like the Bay of Portugal. “
(Shakespeare: As You Like It)
~ “I wandered lonely as a cloud.”
(William Wordsworth)
~”The bride hath paced into the hall,
Red as a rose is she;”
(S.T. Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
~”Day after day, day after day
We stuck,nor breath nor motion ;
As idle as a painted ship
Upon a painted ocean.”
(S.T. Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)
~”Like a star of Heaven
In the broad day-light
Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight. “
(P.B. Shelley: To a Skylark)
~”And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep
Steady thy laden head across a brook;”
(John Keats: To Autumn)
~”What could have made her peaceful with a mind
That nobleness made simple as a fire,
With beauty like a tightened bow…”
(W.B. Yeats: No Second Troy)
~”The thick blood welled out of him like red velvet, but still he did not die.”
(George Orwell: The Shooting of an Elephant)
~”I’m as nervous as a mouse.”
(G.B. Shaw: Arms and the Man)
~My love is like a red,red rose.
~They fought like cats and dogs.
~ My love for you is as deep as the ocean.
~I am so thirsty, that my throat is as dry as a bone.
~Today I’m feeling as fresh as a daisy.
~John runs as fast as lightning.
~My best friend is as stubborn as a mule.
~ After that meal, I feel as fat as a pig.
~ My little sister works as slow as a turtle.
~Without my glasses, I am as blind as a bat.
~That boy in my class is as funny as a clown.
~ Right now, I’m feeling as sick as a dog.
~Have you ever felt as happy as a hippo?
~ When she kissed me I turned as red as a tomato.
~You’re as skinny as a rail and you’re a mountain.
~ My dog is as a smelly as dirty socks.
~as big as an elephant.
~as black as coal.
~as brave as a lion.
~as cunning as a fox.
~as loose as a goose.
~as sharp as a razor.
~as silent as the grave.
~As timid as a rabbit.
~as wise as an owl etc.
★Sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.
The End.